Missing BitmapLuminanceSource in the ZXing.Net Nuget Package:
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Nikudem commented
This Class/Type is missing in the ZXing.Net Nuget Packge: https://github.com/micjahn/ZXing.Net/blob/master/Source/lib/BitmapLuminanceSource.cs
I need it for my BitmapLuminanceSource:
Bitmap imageBmp
LuminanceSource source;
// Create a luminance source from the bitmap
source = new BitmapLuminanceSource(imageBmp);
Binarizer binarizer = new HybridBinarizer(source);
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(binarizer);
MultiFormatReader reader = new MultiFormatReader();
Result result = reader.decode(bitmap);
Nikudem commented
Ok i just found out it isnt included by design because a bitmap is not nativly included in .netcore.