
CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes from daemon. Check the remote server logs for error messages

SamikshaShukla05 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi all,
I am facing issue changing the default nagios timeout from 30 sec to 60 sec in the Nagios client systems

; ALLOWED HOSTS - A comma separated list of allowed hosts. You can use netmasks (/ syntax) or * to create ranges.
<% if @nrpe_servers -%>
allowed hosts = <%= @nrpe_servers.sort.join(',') %>

; Undocumented section
verify mode = none
insecure = true
allow arguments = true
allow nasty characters = true

custom = ini://custom.ini
wfm = ini://wfm.ini
eem = ini://eem.ini

; Undocumented section

; CheckExternalScripts - Execute external scripts
CheckExternalScripts = 1

; CheckHelpers - Various helper function to extend other checks.
CheckHelpers = 1

; CheckEventLog - Check for errors and warnings in the event log.
CheckEventLog = 1

; CheckNSCP - Use this module to check the health and status of NSClient++ itself
CheckNSCP = 1

; CheckDisk - CheckDisk can check various file and disk related things.
CheckDisk = 1

; CheckSystem - Various system related checks, such as CPU load, process state, service state memory usage and PDH counters.
CheckSystem = 1

; NSClientServer - A server that listens for incoming check_nt connection and processes incoming requests.
NSClientServer = 1

; NRPEServer - A server that listens for incoming NRPE connection and processes incoming requests.
NRPEServer = 1

; Section for external scripts configuration options (CheckExternalScripts).
[/settings/external scripts]

; COMMAND ARGUMENT PROCESSING - This option determines whether or not the we will allow clients to specify arguments to commands that are executed.
allow arguments=true

; A list of scripts available to run from the CheckExternalScripts module. Syntax is: =<script>
I tried adding timeout to eem.ini file
but it did not make any changes to the timeout
Instead of adding the timeout to the main Nsclient file in the client system I want to add timeout to sub file eem.ini mentioned in the includes section of the file

How this can be done
