Windows support?
S-Koell opened this issue · 2 comments
When trying to Initialize Workspace/Version I am running into those Problems on my Windows 10 machine:
- When having a space in the folder path it wont work
- After fixing the path to have no spaces in it, I'm getting the following error:
> Executing task in folder Oradew_Test: c:\VSCode\data\extensions\mp.oradew-vscode-0.1.0\out\gulp.cmd --cwd \\wacker.corp\user\koellex001\Data\Oradew_Test --gulpfile c:\VSCode\data\extensions\mp.oradew-vscode-0.1.0\out\gulpfile.js --color true --silent true initProject <
Der Befehl "node" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1
(translated: command "node" is wrong or could not be found)
- When trying to use "npm rebuild" it also doesnt find that command
I haven't worked with Linux systems before but it sounds like these errors are all because I'm running windows and these commands are not there by default.
Hey @S-Koell,
Node.js is not part of this extension (nor Linux) and should be downloaded and installed seperatelly. And so it is also Git. (I should write this prerequisites to readme file maybe... 😄 )
I advise you to get a Node 9 (latest version: Node.js 9.11.2 - msi installer) as node-oracledb driver in extension is precompiled for this Node version. If you install Node you also get "npm".
As for spaces in folder path, this is bug that I should fix. Good find!
Duplicate of #5