Don't delete unmanaged labels
slawekjaranowski opened this issue · 3 comments
In some cases it will be appreciated to don't remove unmanaged labels.
eg. dependabot adds some label to manage dependencies - I want leave untouched such labels.
In current situation I must managed labels added by other tools.
So option for this case will be good.
I recommend you should manage your all labels in a manifest. We can export the all existing labels by as described in
Also, about your example, Dependabot supports configuration of labels ( Many of other tools which puts labels would also support it.
Imagine another case, in my organization I have repository with java code with labels 'dependencies' and 'java' and another repository with javascript so I have labels 'dependencies' and 'javascript' ... so not all repsitories have the same sets labels.
But I want to have some labels to be common for all repository in my organization.
Okay, your idea would make sense. I will review your PR later. Thank you for your contribution 🙂