
Missing dependencies

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Since the Upgraded to lastest Vue commit, I can't start the project anymore.

Did you check that the new version of package.json still work installing from a scratch ?

It seems weird that so many devDependencies are no more needed.

Did I missed something ?

I added jquery to avoid Bootstrap warnings and updated the other dependencies a minute ago, and I start the project without problems (it was also working OK before this update), both on macOS and Windows.


What is the error you get?

The latest large update was made using vue-cli to generate starter from scratch, then I copied and updated scripts and styles from the previous version. It looks like the newest vue cli doesn't use that much dependencies as it used before.

My bad !

I deleted my node_modules folder and npm install followed by npm run serve works.

It looks like there was conflicts with the previous dependencies

My bad