
Unexpected CPU cycle count with `time.tick_cpu()`

microbit-carlos opened this issue · 4 comments

With a CPU clock of 64 MHz I would expect time.tick_cpu() to overflow after 17 seconds (2^30 / 64_000_000 = 16.77 sec), and for sleep(1000) to take roughly 64 M cycles, however this script yields differnet results:

from microbit import *
import time

def one_sec_cycles():
    ticks_start = time.ticks_cpu()
    ticks_end = time.ticks_cpu()
    return ticks_end - ticks_start

def time_to_overflow():
    # If this is the first call it will start the counter, so give it some headstart
    ticks_start = time.ticks_cpu()
    ticks_start = time.ticks_cpu()
    # Wait until it overflows
    while ticks_start < time.ticks_cpu():

    time_start = time.ticks_ms()
    ticks_start = time.ticks_cpu()
    while ticks_start < time.ticks_cpu():
    time_end = time.ticks_ms()
    return time_end- time_start

while True:
    print("1 sec: {} cycles".format(one_sec_cycles()))
    print("time to overflow: {} ms".format(time_to_overflow()))


1 sec: 10834428 cycles
time to overflow: 83293 ms

Also, it looks pressing the reset button also break ticks_ms().

Commenting out the last line from the previous script (so that it doesn't run the long time_to_overflow ()):

1 sec: 10292874 cycles
1 sec: 10259788 cycles
1 sec: 10297728 cycles
1 sec: 10285216 cycles
1 sec: 10281097 cycles
# Reset button pressed here
1 sec: 0 cycles
1 sec: 0 cycles
1 sec: 0 cycles
1 sec: 0 cycles

Note that ticks_cpu() only counts cycles of the CPU when it's running. Doing a sleep(...) puts the CPU to sleep (using wfi) and so the CPU counter stops.

Thanks Damien, you are right, the CPU goes with sleep and that'd be reason it only counts 10M cycles instead of 64, however I am not sure why the count is zero when the reset button is pressed?

I guess it's possible the DWT->CTRL enable bit CYCCNTENA is maintained between resets (SWD triggered reset on the micro:bit), but not the CoreDebug->DEMCR enable bit TRCENA.

static inline mp_uint_t mp_hal_ticks_cpu(void) {
CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk;
return DWT->CYCCNT;

This PR fixes the issue for me: