Update gem for Ruby 3.0 support
shleeable opened this issue · 6 comments
Hey, thanks for merging in the change. I figure it needs testing, but just keeping this ticket open to keep an eye on the update.
@dissolve would it be possible to release a new microformats-ruby version with the mentioned changes?
I am testing it out locally now, I am on 3.0 on my local and not able to build for some odd reason which gives me a little pause to release it just yet. I'll try and get this figured out very soon and have it out in the next day or two
bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/...........
Resolving dependencies...
listen-3.2.1 requires ruby version >= 2.2.7, ~> 2.2, which is incompatible with
the current version, ruby 3.0.0p0
upping in to listen-3.5.1 in the gem.lock file seems to fix it for 3.0.0 on my machine
Anyone see any issues with that?
aaand i immediately realize that Gemfile.lock isn't in the repo. I've been in composer and npm land too long
version 4.3.1 is released, closing this before I make myself look more foolish