
Use property attribute as possible upgrade from class attribute

Zegnat opened this issue · 1 comments

Use property attribute as possible upgrade from class attribute

here's the Session notes from that session: https://indieweb.org/2018/Berlin/microformatssanscss

I'm not convinced this is a good solution.

A few points (please correct me if any of this is a misunderstanding of the notes above) and questions:

  • AFAIK property isn't mentioned in the HTML5 specs (neither WHATWG nor W3C), but only in W3C specs explicitly describing its use for different purposes. It feels wrong to co-opt it with the only reason apparently being "then validators won't complain about it"? (especially since it feels like we're escaping conflict with CSS usage of classes by creating conflict with something else)

  • does adding a new property through our own spec break anything outside validators complaining?

  • Can we provide a realistic way of making validation tools ignore this?

  • Since it's mostly an authoring concern, can this be solved alternatively by authoring and produced HTML being different, e.g. a transformation step that generates classes from an microformats or data-* property that only exists in the authoring files, never exposing it to the public, if that's a concern?