
Popup to a ask before registering a new app for push notifications vanishes when other popups for Android permissions show up

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Describe the bug
The popup to a ask before registering a new app for push notifications vanishes when other popups for Android permissions show up

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install new app
  2. Open the new app
  3. The popup to a ask for permission to register the new app for push notifications shows up
  4. Shortly after the popup to allow notifications shows up and the microG popup is gone.
  5. Close the app and reopen, if you're lucky the microG popup shows up again.

Expected behavior
Keep tbe microG popup visible until it is answered.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Android Version: 13
Custom ROM: /e/OS 1.21-t-20240324389105-dev-axolotl

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.