
Message box for app push notification is barely readable

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
This is a minor bug. On GmsCore 0.3.1 when configuring push notifications, the confrimation message box that allows/denies an application from receiving push notifications is barely unreadable. More specifically, the width of the message box is too low. The height seems ok

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Activate Google device registration
  2. In "Cloud messageing", click on the three dots on the top right. Click on "confirm new apps"
  3. Activate Google cloud messaging
  4. Wait for a device to register or open one that register itself on startup. You will see the confirmation message box

Expected behavior
The width of the message box should be reasonable


Android Version: 12
Custom ROM: crDroid 9.9

I have already reported on this issue!
Check open issues before opening a duplicate!