
[de.hafas.android.db] DB Navigator - Map does not work

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Affected app
Name: DB Navigator
Package id: de.hafas.android.db

Describe the bug
The map does not zoom to the current location properly, does not show any markers, and the overlay controls (search bar etc) cannot be clicked.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the app.
  2. Click on the map icon on the top right.
  3. To see that there are no markers, zoom in to any city in Germany.
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A map with markers showing railway stations and bus stops etc. See https://assets.static-bahn.de/.imaging/focalpoint/560x744/dam/jcr:f04f503a-6dc4-409e-948f-24b11569c6c9/dbnav_karte_DE.png


Android Version: 14
Custom ROM: CalyxOS 5.6.3

microG Core version: 0.3.240913-23
microG Self-Check results: All ticked

Additional context
Other similar apps (public transport apps, bike sharing, etc) all work as expected.

pnaf commented

Additional context
Other similar apps (public transport apps, bike sharing, etc) all work as expected.

This issue does seem to affect some public transport apps. I'm seeing the same issue on the Transit app (com.thetransitapp.droid).

No account registration is required to reproduce the behavior. Just open the app, then zoom in to a major city like Berlin or NYC. When I do so, I don't see any markers or transit lines on the map.

What it's supposed to look like: https://d33v4339jhl8k0.cloudfront.net/docs/assets/58e5529add8c8e5c5731278e/images/639b8052b17d9442513ca7d1/file-2aMIDdeAwu.png

#833 is possibly a related issue.

microG Core version:
microG Self-Check results: All ticked