
Cannot choose google account for billing or license check

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Describe the bug
When using in-app purchase on license check, it is not possible to choose which google account to use

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install an app with in-app purchase on license check (tried with BeforeLauncher : com.beforesoft.launcher and Balance : com.elevatelabs.geonosis)
  2. Try to check license or buy something
  3. the popup for payment appears, with an account selected but nowhere to select another. Or "billing result with a null purchase list" error for license check

Expected behavior
A way in the popup or in microg to select which google account to use

Android Version: 13
Custom ROM: /e/OS 2.0
MicroG :

Additional context
I purchased an app on another google device, couldn't have it detected in-app on my /e/os device
Tried another app with in-app purchase (balance meditation), there i saw that the account used to buy is not the one i intended.
I removed the other accounts and TA-DAAA the license check works