Nested query results
lirbank opened this issue · 1 comments
Context: I'm using mql via the service (Node.js API).
I'm looking for a way to put custom query results in a nested structure.
Eg instead of getting a result like:
title: '',
description: ',
lang: 'en',
author: null,
publisher: '',
someCustomData: '',
moreCustomData: ''
It'd be great to nest the custom data something like this:
title: '',
description: ',
lang: 'en',
author: null,
publisher: '',
myData: {
someData: '',
moreData: ''
On there is an example that displays nesting of queries, like this:
const mql = require('@microlink/mql')
const twitter = (username) =>
mql(`${username}`, {
data: {
stats: {
selector: '.ProfileNav-list',
attr: {
tweets: {
selector: '.ProfileNav-item--tweets .ProfileNav-value',
attr: 'data-count',
followings: {
selector: '.ProfileNav-item--following .ProfileNav-value',
attr: 'data-count',
favorites: {
selector: '.ProfileNav-item--favorites .ProfileNav-value',
attr: 'data-count',
And the result is nested under stats
. Since it seems the nested queries iterate over the parent selector, I did this:
data: {
// This works
jsonld: {
selectorAll: 'script[type="application/ld+json"]',
attr: 'html',
// This seems to be solid
myTitle: {
selector: 'title',
attr: 'text',
meta: {
selector: '*',
attr: {
// This works mostly but sometimes the result is padded with a bunch of css selectors etc.
title: {
selector: 'title',
attr: 'text',
ogTitle: {
selector: 'meta[property="og:title"]:not([content=""])',
attr: 'content',
twitterTitle: {
selector: 'meta[name="twitter:title"]:not([content=""])',
attr: 'content',
description: {
selector: 'meta[name="description"]:not([content=""])',
attr: 'content',
ogDescription: {
selector: 'meta[property="og:description"]:not([content=""])',
attr: 'content',
twitterDescription: {
selector: 'meta[name="twitter:description"]:not([content=""])',
attr: 'content',
// This always returns null, while putting it at the top level works, see above
jsonld: {
selectorAll: 'script[type="application/ld+json"]',
attr: 'html',
But as you can see in the comments above, there are some issues with this approach.
- Is there a better way to do this?
- Why is the JSON+LD selector always empty when used in the nested way?
If this is not the way to do this, I'll rename this issue a feature request and just use top level queries for now.
Big thanks for an awesome product!
That's a thing more related with the target URL rather than MQL itself.
Specifically, looks like the adblock enabled by default is interfering into the expected response.
I just disabled it, you can see a live demo here: