
can't manage images if not on hub.docker.com

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'd like to check the size of b.gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow, I can't

Hi @SydOps, as a publicly hosted tool, imagelayers.io does not have a mechanism for securely storing private registry credentials. However, you are welcome to fork and modify the project to do so.
You could even just hardcode the credentials for the registry you want to connect to and use it locally.

Thanks, @davidgardner11

could you please point me the right direction that which files I need target to add this feature, if I want to help?

@davidgardner11 Could you please give us some hint which files we need to modify in order to run this container locally and connect to private registry?




const (
	defaultBaseURL = "https://index.docker.io/v1/"