
Support for Page Scripting Tests in Continuous Integration

freddydk opened this issue · 0 comments

Page Scripting tests are now supported as part of CI/CD. By specifying pageScriptingTests in your project settings file, AL-Go for GitHub will automatically run these page scripting tests as part of your CI/CD workflow, generating the following build artifacts:

PageScriptingTestResults is a JUnit test results file with all results combined.
PageScriptingTestResultDetails are the detailed test results (including videos) when any of the page scripting tests have failures. If the page scripting tests succeed - the details are not published.

New Project Settings

pageScriptingTests should be an array of page scripting test file specifications, relative to the AL-Go project. Examples of file specifications: recordings/my*.yml (for all yaml files in the recordings subfolder matching my*.yml), recordings (for all *.yml files in the recordings subfolder) or recordings/test.yml (for a single yml file)
doNotRunPageScriptingTests can force the pipeline to NOT run the page scripting tests specified in pageScriptingTests. Note this setting can be set in a workflow specific settings file to only apply to that workflow
restoreDatabases should be an array of events, indicating when you want to start with clean databases in the container. Possible events are: BeforeBcpTests, BeforePageScriptingTests, BeforeEachTestApp, BeforeEachBcptTestApp, BeforeEachPageScriptingTest