
trackHandledException logs exception as a "Crash" in Application Insights Dashboard

walkerc4 opened this issue · 3 comments

Have a few places where we log exceptions that aren't a crash but malformed data or something else that is recoverable.


Logs this just like an uncaught exception in the portal even though the name is "Handled Exception."

I guess this will just have to be logged as a normal event?

For now using custom events would be the way to go since handled and unhandled exceptions are currently displayed together.

Is it an API issue limitation? Because it looks like Azure application insights can make the distinction between handled and unhandled exceptions.
In the attached there should be somethink like 3 unhandled vs 17 handles exceptions and I'm seeing 20 unhandled exceptions.

screen shot 2015-05-11 at 11 09 28

This is a known limitation and it is on our list to look into it.