Follows-from dependencies
knutwannheden opened this issue · 2 comments
As part of the OpenTracing specification a span can be related to its parent span using a ChildOf reference or a FollowsFrom reference: As specified the latter is used when a parent span does not in any way depend on the result of the child span.
I have not found any way to make this very useful distinction in Application Insights. Currently Application Insights may in the Azure Portal Performance display end up flagging a span as an error when its child spans don't finish before the parent span. If the child span were declared as having a FollowsFrom reference, this could be avoided.
While it is still unclear where OpenTelemetry is going with this (see open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification#65), I still think it would be useful for Application Insights to support.
P.S. I created this issue here because the ApplicationInsights-Home repo referenced from the documentation on the data model has been archived.
@Kanwaldeep FYI