
Application Insights for Kubernetes 3.0: telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet in Console Applications

qbdev-kr opened this issue · 16 comments


I want to be able to see Enriched Kubernetes Info coming into App Insights

Issue Summary

I consistently am seeing the trace,

Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.

What I have done

I have used #187 to help me out by adding delay etc. But that has not helped me and i am also deploying to AKS.


AKS is used to host a docker image from this code. The console app is calling an await method to run some ETL process and the total job completes in 2 minutes.


The code snipper example below is identical to the BasicConsoleAppILoggerApplication in .NET 6 console application with all needed packages installed.

const string ApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey = "InstrumentationKey=<redacted keyValue from App Insights>";

IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddSingleton<Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration>(p => new ConfigurationBuilder().Build());
var observer = new ApplicationInsightsKubernetesDiagnosticObserver(DiagnosticLogLevel.Trace);

services.AddApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher(diagnosticLogLevel: LogLevel.Information);

var channel = new InMemoryChannel();
services.AddOptions<TelemetryConfiguration>().Configure<IServiceProvider>((config, p) =>
    // Appending registered telemetry initializers.
    foreach (ITelemetryInitializer registeredInitializer in p.GetServices<ITelemetryInitializer>())

    // Setup up telemetry channels.
    config.TelemetryChannel = channel;

services.AddLogging(builder =>
    builder.AddFilter<ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("", LogLevel.Trace);
    // Below is a different way to set Key to use the non-obselete extension method for AddApplicationInsights.
    telemetryConfiguration => { telemetryConfiguration.ConnectionString = ApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey; },
    applicationInsightsLoggerOptions => { });

    builder.AddSimpleConsole(opt =>
        opt.SingleLine = true;
        opt.ColorBehavior = LoggerColorBehavior.Disabled;

IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
ILogger<Program> logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Program>>();

// Redacted Code
try {

logger.LogInformation("Config variable set ...");
await process.RunSomeProcess(); // Simple HTTP Get Calls here.
catch (Exception ex)
    logger.LogError(ex, "Job failed");

    logger.LogInformation("Job end.");

@xiaomi7732 . Tagging you as I saw you made a recent PR to another example in this repo.

Hey, @qbdev-kr I'll help troubleshoot. I have several questions after reading the code, could you please help me understand them:

  1. Which version of the package are you using?
  2. Are you building a console application to serve HTTP calls? Does it use any kind of hosting technology like ASP.NET Core/Minimal API or Worker, or is it just a plain console application?
  3. Could you please run it with more detailed logs like this:
    services.AddApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher(diagnosticLogLevel: LogLevel.Trace); // Use trace level than information level.

⚠️ You might have access tokens displayed in your logs, please redact before posting.

BTW, due to a recent change, you do NOT need the observer to turn on diagnostic traces any more, so you could remove these lines if you are using 3.0+ (or even later version in 2.x)

// These are deprecated in the later versions
var observer = new ApplicationInsightsKubernetesDiagnosticObserver(DiagnosticLogLevel.Trace);

// Set the log level in `AddApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher` instead, which you already did.

Hi @xiaomi7732 Thank you for your fast response. I have included some info below.

  1. Packages Info:
	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection" Version="6.0.1" />
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights" Version="2.21.0" />
       <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes" Version="3.0.0" />
       <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging" Version="6.0.0" />	
	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights" Version="2.21.0" />
  1. Building a simple console application to consume data from cosmosDB client and loading data back into CosmosDB with some changes. Using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos for this. Does not use a hosting technology like ASP.NET core or Worker service - No. This console application is kicked off like a cron job in AKS but it shouldn't matter.

  2. Setting Diagnostic level to trace and redacting some internal logs and i will share here shortly.

I have removed the DiagnosticObserver code lines as the ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes package is 3.0

Still waiting for the log to confirm, but here's my I hunch: there's a design hole in 3.x that we are relying on the HostedService to bootstrap the fetch of K8s info.

And the console application by default doesn't have a host to start the backend services - thus nothing triggers the fetch of the k8s info.

I'll do some quick checks while waiting for the logs to confirm. Thank you @qbdev-kr for the report.

@xiaomi7732 - Logs From the Pod the job is running in. The console app is executed like a cron job on demand.

Is there something specific I can look into? Will it help if I call a http end point and we see some logs that way?

PS C:\Windows\system32> kubectl -n kube-system logs -f -n cscm
W1020 14:55:40.636665 9524 azure.go:92] WARNING: the azure auth plugin is deprecated in v1.22+, unavailable in v1.26+; use instead.
To learn more, consult
Defaulted container "redacted" out of: redacted, copy-azurekeyvault-env (init)
I1020 18:54:50.902870 1 version.go:31] "version info" version="" commit="11d9861" buildDate="2022-04-18T15:59:28Z" component="vaultenv"
I1020 18:54:50.902968 1 main.go:184] "azure key vault env injector initializing"
I1020 18:54:50.903355 1 main.go:253] "found original container command" cmd="/usr/bin/dotnet" args=[dotnet redacted]
I1020 18:54:50.903438 1 authentication.go:98] "checking if current auth service credentials are stale" url=""
I1020 18:54:50.986743 1 authentication.go:111] "auth service credentials ok" url=""
I1020 18:54:50.987209 1 authentication.go:147] "requesting key vault token" url=""
I1020 18:54:51.023012 1 authentication.go:167] "successfully received oauth token"
I1020 18:54:51.815153 1 main.go:355] "secret injected into env var" azurekeyvaultsecret="redacted" env="redacted"
I1020 18:54:51.815224 1 main.go:361] "starting process with secrets in env vars" cmd="/usr/bin/dotnet" args=[redacted]
[Debug] [2022-10-20T18:54:57.2219869Z] Application Insights Kubernetes injected the service successfully.
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:54:58.0355420Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Skip Setting Config Variable ...
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:54:58.0608190Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Forced 30 sec Delay ..
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:55:28.1137510Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:55:44.0622409Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:55:59.0855817Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:56:14.1267500Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:56:29.1596076Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:56:44.2402969Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:56:59.3058341Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:57:14.3535779Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:57:29.3703389Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:57:44.4191937Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:57:59.4598506Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:58:14.4971953Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:58:29.5144898Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:58:44.5353609Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:58:59.5798009Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:59:14.6563085Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:59:29.6714946Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:59:44.6932452Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T18:59:59.7149494Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T19:00:14.7442307Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [DEMO] Info Logged is made by User
[Trace] [2022-10-20T19:00:29.9405965Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
fail: Program[0] [DEMO] Application failed System.Exception: [DEMO] Forced Exception by User - Testing Kubernetes of type K8s at Program.

$(String[] args) in /app/redacted/Program.cs:line 87
[Trace] [2022-10-20T19:01:05.0363596Z] Application Insights for Kubernetes telemetry initializer is used but the content has not ready yet.
info: Program[0] [Demo] Job end.

I redacted all code and put this log in a loop like this and it throws an exception when iterator limit is reached.

IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
ILogger<Program> logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Program>>();

    logger.LogInformation("[DEMO] Skip Setting Config Variable ...");
    // redacted

    int count = 0;
    int maxCount = 20;
    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

    // for loop in-place of redacted code
    for (int i =0; i<= maxCount; i++)
        if (count > maxCount)
            throw new Exception("[DEMO] Forced Exception by User - Testing Kubernetes of type K8s");

        logger.LogInformation("[DEMO] Info Logged is made by User");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
catch (Exception ex)
    logger.LogError(ex, "[DEMO] Application failed");

    logger.LogInformation("[Demo] Job end.");

@xiaomi7732 Would it help if I use a HostBuilder to instantiate the DI steps and run the Host Async? Is that what you meant in your earlier comment.

@qbdev-kr I see.

It is a bug that the background service to fetch k8s info was never bootstrapped. Let me see how to support the console application.

I see several approaches for you:

  1. Downgrade to 2.0.6 and give it a shot.
  2. Yes, it will help to run it in a hosted environment. Use this example, if you are okay with migrating the code to Worker:
  3. Wait for a bug fix - and I'll work on it.

I'll use this issue as the bug tracking and I'll keep it open until the issue is addressed.

@xiaomi7732 , Thank you for giving direction and tracking this. I have some follow up questions,

  1. Downgrade to 2.0.6 for Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes package?
  2. Will using Generic Host example help get around the current situation?
  1. Yes, Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes.2.x doesn't require hosted service;
  2. Yes, the generic hosted example should work too for Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes.3.x package.

Hey @qbdev-kr,
The fix is available now. Please follow this updated example: Program.cs, specifically, call serviceProvider.StartApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher() after you call services.AddApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher().

I tested it locally and it worked for me. Please give it a try. At the same time, let me know if there's any feedback or any change you want.


@xiaomi7732 Thank you so much.

I will add this package and share the results with you.

Hi @xiaomi7732, Thank you so much for the suggested change. I Can confirm, after including the change below and using the 3.1.0-beta2 package
serviceProvider.StartApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher() the Enriched Kubernetes data is populating under custom Dimension.

These are the kubectl logs =>

Thank you for your help, I wanted to ask if you know, how can I see the replicaSet and the deployment name property? I see all but these two.

Cool. Thanks for getting back and confirming the fix. A quick thing to check is cluster role binding. See docs here:

I'll close this issue since this topic is completed. Feel free to file another issue if you would like to have another troubleshooting for replicaSet/deployment name after you confirm the proper rbac permissions are granted.

@xiaomi7732 , I noticed the package I was using per recommendation is deprecated, are the changes now part of a different package version?

Yes, it is out of beta now:

Just in case, we go with semver. And by the rule: 3.0.0 < 3.1.0-betaN < 3.1.0.

@xiaomi7732, Thank you for the update and your Contribution!