Hello! I wonder if this (and body-tracking) sdk supports the development in android with jni
robin-bird-go opened this issue · 1 comments
Dear developers,
I appreciate that you can pay attention to my question! I am a Chinse student and I am recently exploring the azure kinect sensor and body-tracking sdk, and I basicly know how to use the functions in c++ with a windows platform. But I want to apply them in an android platform with java language, I heard that jni is a tool that can call c/c++ functions in java(this is not a strict explanation, just my first impression), or there may be more effective ways?
I am new in java and android development area, so I would really appreciate again if you can tell me the how feasibie it is to use jni or other ways (maybe you already have provided revalant develop kits? )to accomplish this.
Due to Microsoft's depth engine library not supporting Android, Azure Kinect is currently not available for Android. The body-tracking feature requires the use of Azure Kinect camera, and unfortunately, it is not supported on Android. Therefore, using body-tracking with Azure Kinect on an Android platform is not feasible. ("Femto Mega" by Orbbec will support android in the future)
Femto Mega
Femto Mega is a programmable multi-mode Depth and RGB camera with real-time streaming of processed images over ethernet or USB connections. The camera uses Microsoft’s industry proven ToF technology and the NVIDIA® Jetson™ platform to deliver a comprehensive Depth and RGB vision platform for computer vision and AI developers. With a wide field of view (FOV) and high resolution depth sensor, it’s ideal for robotics, manufacturing, logistics and healthtech applications.
Compared to Azure Kinect, it has the following advantages
- Lower CPU usage.
- Network functionality support.
- macOS support.