
Azure Kinect on Jetson Orin

omerKurkutlu opened this issue · 1 comments

Azure Kinect - ROS in Nvidia Jetson

I need to use azure kinect with ros in jetson nano. Currently I use ubuntu 20.04 in Jetson.
Actually I followed this link which is working fine (standalone) when I run the SDK with command ./bin/k4aviewer in the Azure-Kinect_Sensor_SDK/build directory. But I need to use azure kinect with ROS. So then I seach k4a in terminal, I don't see it.

Then, I look for this website(Offical GitHub)
ARM64 users, please use the same instructions, but use for the repository path instead of the default
But I use ubuntu 20.04. So, I look for which is available but for ARM64 user is not there.

So in short I am able to use SDK standalone but not with ROS. I need .../20.04/multiarch/prod or another way to run this SDK in ROS with ./bin/k4aviewer
Also I am open for all suggestions...

ShayHQ commented

Hey dude,
You probably won't get the help you need from here (This repository is completely abandoned)

Binaries from ubuntu 18.04 should work on 20.04, i built my binaries from source.

If you want to execute in headless (without desktop) in the future:
You will need to "mock" desktop environment to populate DISPLAY variable.