Azure Kinect on Jetson Orin
omerKurkutlu opened this issue · 1 comments
Azure Kinect - ROS in Nvidia Jetson
I need to use azure kinect with ros in jetson nano. Currently I use ubuntu 20.04 in Jetson.
Actually I followed this link which is working fine (standalone) when I run the SDK with command ./bin/k4aviewer in the Azure-Kinect_Sensor_SDK/build directory. But I need to use azure kinect with ROS. So then I seach k4a in terminal, I don't see it.
Then, I look for this website(Offical GitHub)
ARM64 users, please use the same instructions, but use for the repository path instead of the default
But I use ubuntu 20.04. So, I look for which is available but for ARM64 user is not there.
So in short I am able to use SDK standalone but not with ROS. I need .../20.04/multiarch/prod or another way to run this SDK in ROS with ./bin/k4aviewer
Also I am open for all suggestions...
Hey dude,
You probably won't get the help you need from here (This repository is completely abandoned)
Binaries from ubuntu 18.04 should work on 20.04, i built my binaries from source.
If you want to execute in headless (without desktop) in the future:
You will need to "mock" desktop environment to populate DISPLAY variable.