

payson opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, is the type definition here: for Bing Maps V8?
If not, is it possible for you to add one for V8?

Those are for V7. V8 definitions are not currently available through definitely typed. Working with our legal team to ensure that there are no issues. Microsoft has strict policies around open source that we have to follow.

Don't think definitely typed is needed now. These definitions are now available as both a nugget package and through npm. Since the current definitions on Definitely typed are for V7 and V8 is only 90% backwards compatible. If I replace these definitions with the new ones there is a risk that I will break existing applications. I will plan to replace this definitions with the V8 one's around May or June as V7 will be nearly at the end of it's life then and developers should have moved to V8 by then.

With more tooling around DefinitelyTyped and VSCode, @rbrundritt, can you please consider adding these types and publish them under @types? Following the convention massively helps with the productivity.

Hello @rbrundritt , we already passed the deprecated date of the v7.
Can you please migrate your typings for the v8 on DefinitelyTyped?
Thank you in advance

The typings on DefinitelyTyped were not added by Microsoft. I'll look into what needs to be done to get these updated to V8.

I've made a pull request on the definitely types repo including the latest definitions.

After some modifications to the definitions to align with how they used to work in DefinitelyTyped, they are now passing all tests and the pull request is waiting to be merged.