Switch on type example from language doc doesn't compile.
Ivo-Balbaert opened this issue · 0 comments
Ivo-Balbaert commented
Describe the bug
The switch on type code snippet described in the Language Docs § 6.8 does not compile.
To Reproduce
namespace NSMain;
entrypoint function main(): Any {
let x = false;
switch(x) {
type Bool => { return false; }
type Int => { return 0; }
type String => {return ""; }
type {f: Int, g?: Bool} => { return x.f; }
case _ => { return none; }
This does not compile and gives the error:
Parse error -- ["switch_types.bsq",5,"Value is always of type"]
on the line: switch(x) {
Expected behavior
false should be shown as return value
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows 10 64 bit
- Bosque Version: installed from master Jul 27