
send message to user there is an error of unkonwn

Jeff-Zhang-Github opened this issue · 4 comments

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Describe the bug

This error occurs when the bot sends a message to the user, but it is normal to send the same message to other users.

To Reproduce

                        appId, reference, turnContext -> turnContext
                                .thenApply(resourceResponse -> null)

//The message is in html format

Expected behavior

  1. How do i resolve this error
  2. not send this error to user




Hey @Jeff-Zhang-Github,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I have a few clarifying questions:

  1. Is this issue occurring only for specific users? If so, can you provide any details about the affected users (e.g., their user roles, permissions...)?
  2. Have you noticed any patterns or differences between the affected user(s) and the users who are not experiencing the issue? This information can help us identify potential causes for the problem.
  3. In the continueConversation function, can you confirm that the reference parameter is not null?
    • You can verify this by checking the following properties of the ConversationReference object:
      ConversationReference reference = ...; // The reference object you're passing to the function
      if (reference != null && reference.getUser() != null) {
          // Continue with the conversation
      } else {
          // Handle the null reference or user


Hi @ramfattah ,
I checked your questions and the answers is:

  1. The users who receive messages are all ordinary team members, same roles, smae permissions.
  2. Messages are sent to different users at the same time.
  3. I am sure that conversation not null, and all users not different.

Hi @Jeff-Zhang-Github, thanks for your patience.

Could you please supply a simplified .zip sample file that demonstrates this issue?