
Directline timed out when activity process extended

HebatallaTarek opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello ,

Actually i am using DirectlineJs to connect Bot with Client Application , the issue is after user enter specific input the bot will reply with card which has dynamic data so the process of creating this card takes time , when i tried it in webchat it take 20 sec delay but it appears at the end , but when i use Directline it hang up and i got "assigned ID retry" , i know the Directline time out is 15 Sec but how to handle if bot activity processing take longer than 15 sec

Bot Source Code is C # however the Directline client applictation server is Node JS

Kindly let me know how to handle this issue
Many Thanks

Hi @HebatallaTarek

The Microsoft Bot Framework team prefers that how to questions be submitted on Stack Overflow. The official Bot Framework Github repos are the preferred platform for submitting bug fixes and feature requests.

You must make use of Proactive Messages. to work around any issues where it may (or will) take longer than 15 seconds.

Closing, per request.

@dmvtech Thanks for your reply but how Proactive messages used with waterfall dialogs is it applicable ?

@HebatallaTarek Yes, proactive messages should work in dialogs (waterfall or otherwise). Again, the crux of proactive message is having the conversation reference.

@dmvtech @stevkan Thanks a lot , i searched and can not find sample for using Proactive messages in Waterfall Dialog to follow the concept , i only found sample in bot builder for proactive messages in basic bot and i am confused in its controller usage in Waterfall Dialogs