
DirectlineStreaming doesn't work with Node.js

orgads opened this issue · 7 comments

When trying to replace Directline with DirectlineStreaming, the websocket connection fails.

The failure is in botframework-streaming/lib/webSocket/nodeWebSocketClient. this._url is the full URL (in my case that's wss://, and not the host alone, so websocket initialization throws an exception.

Moreover, the error message is not reflected to the calling code. It just writes "Unable to connect client to Node transport.".

Minimal example follows.

import crypto from 'crypto';
import XMLHttpRequest from 'xhr2';
import WebSocket from 'ws';
global.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
global.WebSocket = WebSocket;
import { DirectLineStreaming, ConnectionStatus } from 'botframework-directlinejs';
import axios from 'axios';

const botUrl = '';
const userId = crypto.randomUUID();
const username = `dl_ac_test-${userId.substring(0, userId.indexOf('-'))}`;

const botSecret = 'XXXYYYZZZ';

async function main() {
  const data = { user: { id: username } };
  const token = (await'tokens/generate', data, {
    baseURL: botUrl,
    headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${botSecret}` }
  const directLine = new DirectLineStreaming({
    conversationId: token.conversationId,
    token: token.token,
    domain: botUrl,
    webSocket: true,
    (connectionStatus) => console.log('DirectLine status: ' + ConnectionStatus[connectionStatus])

    next(activity) { console.log(activity); }

@orgads - I'll be taking a look at this and will attempt a repro. Just to verify, can you please tell me which version of botframework-directlinejs, axios, and Node you have installed?

Node 18, all the packages are latest. This is the dependencies part in package.json

  "dependencies": {
    "axios": "^1.2.2",
    "botframework-directlinejs": "^0.15.1",
    "xhr2": "^0.2.1"

@orgads - I was able to repro the issue. I'm currently researching it to try and identify where the specific failure is occuring and how it can be fixed or if there is a possible workaround. I will keep you posted.

For reference, here are the results of my repro noted above.

I used the customer's code with the exception of the observables. For those, I copied the code from the BotFramework-DirectLineJS readme doc just to ensure I was using tested code.

const XMLHttpRequest = require( 'xhr2');
const WebSocket = require( 'ws');
global.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
global.WebSocket = WebSocket;
const crypto = require( 'crypto');
const { DirectLineStreaming, ConnectionStatus } = require('botframework-directlinejs');
const axios = require( 'axios');

const botUrl = '';
const userId = crypto.randomUUID();
const username = `dl_ac_test-${userId.substring(0, userId.indexOf('-'))}`;

const botSecret = 'yEeoO.....FjSHI';

async function main() {
  const data = { user: { id: username } };
  const token = (
    await'tokens/generate', data, {
      baseURL: botUrl,
      headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${botSecret}` },
  console.log('TOKEN ', token)
  const directLine = new DirectLineStreaming({
    // conversationId: token.conversationId,
    token: token.token,
    domain: botUrl,
    // webSocket: true,

  console.log('DIRECTLINE ', directLine)
  directLine.connectionStatus$.subscribe(connectionStatus => {
    switch (connectionStatus) {
      case ConnectionStatus.Uninitialized: // the status when the DirectLine object is first created/constructed
        console.log('CONNECTION STATUS: UNINITIATED');
      case ConnectionStatus.Connecting: // currently trying to connect to the conversation
        console.log('CONNECTION STATUS: CONNECTING');
      case ConnectionStatus.Online: // successfully connected to the converstaion. Connection is healthy so far as we know.
        console.log('CONNECTION STATUS: ONLINE');
      case ConnectionStatus.ExpiredToken: // last operation errored out with an expired token. Your app should supply a new one.
        console.log('CONNECTION STATUS: EXPIRED TOKEN');
      case ConnectionStatus.FailedToConnect: // the initial attempt to connect to the conversation failed. No recovery possible.
      case ConnectionStatus.Ended: // the bot ended the conversation
        console.log('CONNECTION STATUS: ENDED');

      from: { id: 'myUserId', name: 'myUserName' }, // required ( is optional)
      type: 'message',
      text: 'a message for you, Rudy',
      id => console.log('Posted activity, assigned ID ', id),
      error => console.log('Error posting activity', error)

  directLine.activity$.subscribe(activity => console.log('received activity ', activity));

When running, if directLine.postActivity() is run first then I receive this error:

                  return _this3.streamConnection.send(request);

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')
    at _callee4$ (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\botframework-directlinejs\lib\directLineStreaming.js:363:50)
    at tryCatch (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:64:40)
    at Generator.invoke (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:299:22)
    at (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:124:21)
    at asyncGeneratorStep (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\@babel\runtime\helpers\asyncToGenerator.js:3:24)
    at _next (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\@babel\runtime\helpers\asyncToGenerator.js:25:9)
    at C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\@babel\runtime\helpers\asyncToGenerator.js:32:7
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at Observable.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\@babel\runtime\helpers\asyncToGenerator.js:21:12)
    at Observable._subscribe (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\botframework-directlinejs\lib\directLineStreaming.js:416:24)

However, if directLine.activity$.subscribe() is ran first then I receive this error:

Failed to connect Error: Unable to connect client to Node transport.
                throw new Error(`Unable to connect client to Node transport.`);

Error: Unable to connect client to Node transport.
    at WebSocketClient.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\botframework-streaming\lib\webSocket\nodeWebSocketClient.js:63:23)
    at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
    at rejected (C:\Users\Steven.Kanberg\Source\CustomerSubmits\DirectlineSteaming-386\node_modules\botframework-streaming\lib\webSocket\nodeWebSocketClient.js:13:65)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

With both observables commented out, the DirectLine object is created and the connection status waits in the UNINITIATED state.

Here is what the DirectLineStreaming object looks like, if of use:

  'connectionStatus$': BehaviorSubject {
    _isScalar: false,
    observers: [ [Subscriber] ],
    closed: false,
    isStopped: false,
    hasError: false,
    thrownError: null,
    _value: 0
  _botAgent: 'DirectLine/3.0 (directlineStreaming)',
  token: 'eyJhb.....dnurE',
  domain: '',
  queueActivities: true,
  'activity$': Observable {
    _isScalar: false,
    source: Observable {
      source: [Observable],
      subjectFactory: [Function: shareSubjectFactory]
    operator: RefCountOperator { connectable: [Observable] }

While debugging, I noted the two following observations:

  • When connect() is called in the NodeWebSocket class (ref here), the req object's res property is showing null. With my limited knowledge on the inner workings of web sockets, I don't know if this is expected or not.
  • The this.wsSocket property is showing as undefined on line 101. This property is initiated as undefined in the class's constructor and I am unable to access the this.wsSocket = websocket assignment taking place within the completeUpgrade() method. I can't verify if an assignment is actually taking place, so I'm unsure if this is processing correctly.

In either case, the promise on line 105 is returning an error. The issue may be tied to something else, but this is what I noted.

Closing this due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen

Please reopen. The issue is not resolved.