
Question: try pattern from script

Closed this issue · 2 comments


It is possible to invoke a host function with out parameters from script and get the value in script after invoke?

Example host code:

public int tryread(int count, out string result) 
    result = "Test";
    return 10;

Example script code:

let variable= '';
var result = myhostobj.tryread(5,variable);
variable == 'Test'; //the host method invocation fills this script variable from the out parameter of tryread host method???

Thanks in advance!

Hi @dementcore,

You can use a host variable for this purpose.

First, you'll need a HostFunctions object:

engine.AddHostObject("host", new HostFunctions());

Once you have that, you can do the following in JavaScript:

let variable= host.newVar('');
var result = myhostobj.tryread(5,variable.out);
variable.value == 'Test'; // true

Good luck!

Please reopen this issue if you have additional thoughts or questions about this topic. Thank you!