Code Contracts crashing in background in VS2015
JamesFaix opened this issue · 1 comments
Edit: Sorry, this is the same issue as #441
Hi Sergey,
There are several different issues I am currently experiencing with Code Contracts in VS2015.
The post I made on StackOverflow ( was the latest, and it seems to have stopped since upgrading to CC v1.10 RC2, but it could be just a coincidence.
Another issue I've been having is Code Contracts crashing in the background when I believe Roslyn is doing incremental compilation. This will not crash VS2015, but will prompt me to submit a bug to Code Contracts. This may be an issue with Code Contracts Editor Extensions. I am not sure if this is the right place for those issues. Here is the failure from the Output window:
Starting AugmentQuickInfoSession at 10:11 AM 5:56.31
AugmentQuickInfoSession failed
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: position
at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxNode.FindTokenCore(Int32 position, Boolean findInsideTrivia)
at ContractAdornments.IntellisenseContractsHelper.GetTargetAtTriggerPoint(ITrackingPoint triggerPoint, ITextSnapshot snapshot, SyntaxTree parseTree)
at ContractAdornments.QuickInfoSource.<>c__DisplayClass1.b__0()
at UtilitiesNamespace.Logger.PublicEntry(Action action, String entryName) 5:56.65
Code Contracts Editor Extensions 1.10.20606.1 14.0.25420.1 Visual Studio failed. 5:56.67
Work queue: 5:56.67
TextViewTracker for '(DocumentId, #b5893340-7a48-4523-86d8-4449af72b08c - C:\Users\jfaix\Workspaces\Simplugins\Production Projects\Disbursement Reporter-TrimData\DisbReporter.Core\DataAccess\Contracts\Contracts.cs)' unsubscribed from all events. 5:56.68
TextViewTracker for '(DocumentId, #1cea595b-75e0-41a7-ad45-51829965f74a - C:\Users\jfaix\Workspaces\Simplugins\Production Projects\Disbursement Reporter-TrimData\DisbReporter.DataProcessing2\DataViewer.cs)' unsubscribed from all events. 5:56.68
TextViewTracker for '(DocumentId, #b30ef025-d315-42bb-b4ab-6ee3f6e45039 - C:\Users\jfaix\Workspaces\Simplugins\Production Projects\Disbursement Reporter-TrimData\DisbReporter.DataProcessing2\ExtensionMethods.cs)' unsubscribed from all events. 5:56.68
Starting AugmentQuickInfoSession at 10:11 AM 6:0.558
AugmentQuickInfoSession failed
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: position
at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxNode.FindTokenCore(Int32 position, Boolean findInsideTrivia)
at ContractAdornments.IntellisenseContractsHelper.GetTargetAtTriggerPoint(ITrackingPoint triggerPoint, ITextSnapshot snapshot, SyntaxTree parseTree)
at ContractAdornments.QuickInfoSource.<>c__DisplayClass1.b__0()
at UtilitiesNamespace.Logger.PublicEntry(Action action, String entryName) 6:0.558
Code Contracts Editor Extensions 1.10.20606.1 14.0.25420.1 Visual Studio failed. 6:0.561
Work queue: 6:0.561
Thanks a lot for bug report. I'll take a look at it.