
Unable to re-produce LANE results on SCAN length split

ag1988 opened this issue · 4 comments


I am running the training command as instructed in LANE:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode train --checkpoint length_model --task length
but am not able to get the expected results. I tried this with random seeds 1, 2.
I am attaching the log files - can you please let me know what I might be doing wrong.

@ag1988 Thanks for your interest on our work! I will look into this problem and get back here in 2 days. Please stay tuned!

@ag1988 Hi, sorry for the mistake on curriculum setting. I have updated the code, and you're expected to reproduce the results of length stably. Please try again, Thanks ☕

Attached the log file: model_length.log

I was able to able reproduce 100% accuracy on length split with the update hyperparams. Thanks!