how do I get inference results with node id and node embedding?
Chanrom opened this issue · 2 comments
Chanrom commented
I am trying GAT example and I see that the model only returns loss, pred and labels, how can I get node id and node embedding returned?
def forward(self, inputs):
"""Evaluate model, calculate loss, predictions and extract labels."""
# fmt: off
nodes, feat, mask, labels, edges, edges_value, adj_shape = inputs
nodes = torch.squeeze(nodes) # [N], N: num of nodes in subgraph
feat = torch.squeeze(feat) # [N, F]
mask = torch.squeeze(mask) # [N]
labels = torch.squeeze(labels) # [N]
edges = torch.squeeze(edges) # [X, 2], X: num of edges in subgraph
edges_value = torch.squeeze(edges_value) # [X]
adj_shape = torch.squeeze(adj_shape) # [2]
# fmt: on
sp_adj = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(edges, edges_value, adj_shape.tolist())
h_1 = self.input_layer(feat, sp_adj)
scores = self.out_layer(h_1, sp_adj)
labels = labels.type(torch.int64)
labels = labels[mask] # [batch_size]
scores = scores[mask] # [batch_size]
pred = scores.argmax(dim=1)
loss = self.xent(scores, labels)
return loss, pred, labels
coledie commented
What is the goal of returning node id and embedding? If you are looking to run inference, you can add an extra function to run the model with your desired outputs.