
Retire VS 2017 support

walbourn opened this issue · 1 comments

Visual Studio 2017 reaches it's mainstream end-of-life on April 12, 2022. I should retire these projects that time:

  • DirectXTex_Desktop_2017.vcxproj
  • DirectXTex_Desktop_2017_Win10.vcxproj
  • DirectXTex_GDK_2017.vcxproj
  • DirectXTex_Windows10_2017.vcxproj
  • DDSView_Desktop_2017.vcxproj
  • Texassemble_Desktop_2017.vcxproj
  • Texconv_Desktop_2017.vcxproj
  • texdiag_Desktop_2017.vcxproj

Along with all the associated test suite VS 2017 projects.

I am not sure when I'll be retiring Xbox One XDK support which is not supported for VS 2019 or later. That means I'm not sure if I'll delete DirectXTex_XboxOneXDK_2017.vcxproj or not with this change.

I'll remove desktop and UWP support for VS 2017 in April. GDK support for VS 2017 will get removed later this year. XDK support which requires VS 2017 (15.9) will be kept until 2023.