
suggestion: upload to

rs38 opened this issue · 3 comments

rs38 commented

makes things so much easier... :)
a more "speaking" package name would be fine

@swernli FYI
@rs38 - The POR as of now is to distribute Docker-PowerShell through OneGet and the PowerShell gallery. The reason we have not yet published it to the gallery is that its not yet in its 1.0 release. I will work with my side to get a timeline here and get a public release out. Until then you can use it from the private location in exactly the same way as if it was published.

To update the module simply run Update-Module Docker from time to time and you will get any dev-feed updates.

rs38 commented

thx for the fast update!

when doing the install-module on 1 from 3 machines I get this annoying error.

DEBUG: 00:00:00.0194030 Name: X:\Docker.0.1.0\Docker.psm1
DEBUG: 00:00:00.0197781 INVOKING PowerShell Fn Get-DynamicOptions with args Install that has length 1
DEBUG: 00:00:00.0202097 Im PowerShellGet-Anbieter – "Get-DynamicOptions".
DEBUG: 00:00:00.0226678 Done calling powershell «Get-DynamicOptions» «PSModule»
VERBOSE: Der Anbieter "PowerShellGet" wird für die Paketsuche verwendet.
DEBUG: 00:00:01.4216046 Calling SearchForPackages After Select 0
DEBUG: 00:00:01.4225824 unmatched package name='X:\Docker.0.1.0\Docker.psm1'`

In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:1661 Zeichen:21

  • ... $null = PackageManagement\Install-Package @PSBoundParameters

tried already all the examples from preivious and closed issue.

No need to wait until 1.0! Would love to see Docker-PowerShell on the PowerShell Gallery. @jterry75, feel free to ping me offline to help make this happen.