Button Click Handler is not working
Tech-Kishan opened this issue · 2 comments
Other Development Issue
Describe the issue
We have customized a button where we can see some TOP Products of that store, and once i get my product and i click onto that product button it will added to the cart but as of now i can only see the product but I'm not being able to add the product to the cart by clicking onto that product.
Version and Error Info
Commerce SDK Version: 9.47
Exception/Error Details: Product is not being added after i click onto the product in Dialog List
This code below belongs to Product Opertaion Handler :
This code belongs to the Type Script of Selection Dialog box where we can see out products and toggle between the Product by Name And ID :
export default class ProductSelectionDialog extends Dialogs.ExtensionTemplatedDialogBase {
public toggleSwitchSortOrder: Controls.IToggle;
public sortByName: ko.Observable<boolean>;
public selectedValue: ko.Observable<string>;
public convertedListItemsByName: ko.ObservableArray<IListInputDialogItem>;
public convertedListItemsByItemId: ko.ObservableArray<IListInputDialogItem>;
public convertedListItemsSorted: ko.ObservableArray<KeyValue>;
private _resolve: ProductSelectionDialogResolve;
constructor() {
//this.itemClickHandler = ko.observable(this);
this.sortByName = ko.observable(false);
this.selectedValue = ko.observable("");
this.convertedListItemsByName = ko.observableArray([]);
this.convertedListItemsByItemId = ko.observableArray([]);
this.convertedListItemsSorted = ko.observableArray([]);
public onReady(element: HTMLElement): void {
// bind
ko.applyBindings(this, element);
let toggleSwitchSortOrderOptions: Controls.IToggleOptions = {
tabIndex: 0,
enabled: true,
checked: false,
labelOn: "Sort by Item Number",
labelOff: "Sort by Item Name"
let toggleRootElem: HTMLDivElement = element.querySelector("#toggleSwitchSortOrder") as HTMLDivElement;
this.toggleSwitchSortOrder = this.context.controlFactory.create(this.context.logger.getNewCorrelationId(), "Toggle", toggleSwitchSortOrderOptions, toggleRootElem);
this.toggleSwitchSortOrder.addEventListener("CheckedChanged", (eventData: { checked: boolean }) => {
public open(_listItems: IEntities.ITopProduct[]): Promise<IEntities.IDialogResult> {
let promise: Promise<IEntities.IDialogResult> = new Promise<IEntities.IDialogResult>((resolve: ProductSelectionDialogResolve, reject: ProductSelectionDialogReject) => {
/* List data that you may want to display */
let listItems: IEntities.ITopProduct[] = _listItems;
//console.log('Initial listItems:', listItems); // Log initial list items
listItems = listItems.sort(this.compareItemId);
/* Convert your list data into an array of IListInputDialogItem */
listItems.map((listItem: IEntities.ITopProduct): IListInputDialogItem => {
let convertedListItem: IListInputDialogItem = {
label: listItem.ProductName + " (" + listItem.ItemId + ")", // string to be displayed for the given item
value: listItem.Product // list data item that the string label represents
return convertedListItem;
//console.log('convertedListItemsByItemId:', this.convertedListItemsByItemId()); // Log converted list items by ItemId
listItems = listItems.sort(this.compareName);
listItems.map((listItem: IEntities.ITopProduct): IListInputDialogItem => {
let convertedListItem: IListInputDialogItem = {
label: listItem.ProductName + " (" + listItem.ItemId + ")", // string to be displayed for the given item
value: listItem.Product // list data item that the string label represents
return convertedListItem;
//console.log('convertedListItemsByName:', this.convertedListItemsByName()); // Log converted list items by Name
this._resolve = resolve;
let option: Dialogs.ITemplatedDialogOptions = {
title: "Select a Top Product",
//button1: {
// id: "btnOk",
// label: "OK",
// isPrimary: true,
// onClick: this.btnOkClickHandler.bind(this)
// },
button2: {
id: "btnCancel",
label: "Cancel",
onClick: this.btnCancelClickHandler.bind(this)
return promise;
public itemClickHandler(selection?: any): boolean {
//alert("ceçilen:" + this.selectedValue());
productId: this.selectedValue()
return true;
private btnCancelClickHandler(): boolean {
productId: ""
return true;
private resolvePromise(result: IEntities.IDialogResult): void {
setTimeout(this._resolve, 10000);
if (ObjectExtensions.isFunction(this._resolve)) {
productId: this.selectedValue()
this._resolve = null;
//change sort order
private toggleSwitchSortOrderChanged(checked: boolean): void {
compareName = function (emp1: IEntities.ITopProduct, emp2: IEntities.ITopProduct) {
if (emp1.ProductName > emp2.ProductName) { return 1; }
if (emp1.ProductName < emp2.ProductName) { return -1; }
return 0;
compareItemId = function (emp1: IEntities.ITopProduct, emp2: IEntities.ITopProduct) {
if (emp1.ItemId > emp2.ItemId) { return 1; }
if (emp1.ItemId < emp2.ItemId) { return -1; }
return 0;
export class KeyValue {
Text: string;
Value: any;
constructor(text: string, value: any) {
this.Text = text;
this.Value = value;