
Cannot upload an anchor successfully and ipv4

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Hey everyone,

I'm having trouble connecting two hololens devices to one network even after following the Microsoft tutorial/course step by step.

I have reached and completed the 3rd section 'Chapter 3 - Shared Coordinates' but with no successful results.

The application builds but I cannot upload an anchor to my environment even after waiting 30 - 60 seconds. I also redeployed and waited multiple times.

I have a few questions which may identify the problem.

  1. In the Unity inspector for the Sharing component, what exactly should the server address be? What does it mean by 'machine'. Is this the ipv4 of the primary Hololens device I want to use to host the application or is it my PC or is it the wireless router both hololens are connected too, I don't really understand it. How about the Sever port, should it be 20602 by default or 20601?

When I click holotoolkit tab on the top window bar in Unity I get these stats

SharingService: Listening for session list connections on port 20602 of all network devices of the local machine.
SharingService: Local IP addresses are:
SharingService: Created Session "Default" with ID 0 on port 20601
SharingService: User UnknownUser at address joined session Default

This is the part that confuses me

I have 2 hololens both connected to a wifi router and both hololens have different ipv4s. The PC I am building on is connected through an ethernet cable not wireless and same as the hololens.

So the question is which ipvf4 address should my server address be?

ipv4 1st Main hololens:

ipv4 2nd hololens:

So which ipv4 is the right one??? It should technically be '' which is the primary hololens but according to the the package it should be '' which is for the 'Ethernet adapter Ethernet' is the Ethernet adapter vEthernet

  1. I suspect that the problem may be my wireless connection because the signal is weak and in rare occasions it even fails to build wirelessly on Visual studio.

Instead could I just build everything with the USB on device and then just run the application? For networking in hololens do I have to build the applications via Unity through wireless or on remote machine or can I build them on the device?

  1. Finally to actually run the app properly do I have to build, run and open the application on both hololens before I can upload an anchor point? In other words can I just test it on the primary hololens to see if it works then connect the other one after?

Hey I have same issue with you. SharingService: Local IP addresses are:
SharingService: this might be according to the tutorial

I just have 4 robots hanging over, and when I click one of them, all totally gone