
The property 'wifiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots' does not exist on type ' es.api.windows10GeneralConfiguration'

directorcia opened this issue · 0 comments

[Policy creation failed] 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": "ModelValidationFailure",
"message": "The property 'wifiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots' does not exist on type '
es.api.windows10GeneralConfiguration'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type.",
"innerError": {
"message": "The property 'wifiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots' does not exist on type '
ices.api.windows10GeneralConfiguration'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type.",
"date": "2021-01-16T12:00:38",
"request-id": "f956e36f-a0ad-405a-be39-384f4ad934d6",
"client-request-id": "f956e36f-a0ad-405a-be39-384f4ad934d6"

Command was:

New-intunedeviceconfigurationpolicy -Windows10GeneralConfiguration wiFiBlockAutomaticConnectHotspots $value