
Error running code for pi nightlight sensor

marty-optum opened this issue · 2 comments


I followed the directions in Build a nightlight - Raspberry Pi for the light sensor.

When I run python3 from within the VS Code terminal, I get the following message:

Check whether I2C enabled and Grove Base Hat RPi or Grove Base Hat RPi Zero inserted

I checked the code, and it seems ok. Here is a picture of my Pi setup with the Grove hat, Grove Light sensor, and each of the packages they came in from Seeed.


Any suggestions to determine what might be wrong?

Thank you.

Hi @marty-optum. Due to chip shortages, I've heard that Seeed have changed the chip in the base hat, so you need to make a code change to one of their libraries. I'm waiting on a new hat myself to test this out and update the instructions.

There is a thread on the Seeed forums about this:

Issue #287 was also raised for this same error, so I'm going to close this issue as a duplicate, and add more details to the other issue.

Thank you, @jimbobbennett 💯