
Can't get VS code to ssh to raspberryipi

coreyi opened this issue · 4 comments

Can't get VS code to ssh to raspberryipi

ssh works fine from the cmd or powershell terminal, but not thru VS code (remote-SSH connect to host). It's starts out fine but eventually dies on a "Bash: Powershell: command not found" error. I can find lots of other people having the same problem from a couple of years ago, but I have not found a solution. Same problem from 2 different PC's. Any help?


When you connect are you selecting Linux for the server type? This error looks like the error you would get if you select Windows as the server type.

Well duh!!!. I'm so dumb to miss that 'little detail'. Thanks a lot Jim!

Not dumb at all! If that works please close the issue, if not let me know and we'll see what else might be the issue.