
Create some github actions to check or automatically update to the correctly translation link.

954-Ivory opened this issue · 3 comments


When translating, please update links to the translated files. If a file hasn't been translated, keep the link to the English version. As each file is in a translations folder, you will also need to update the link depth for hyperlinks and images.

I found that many links didn't link to the correctly translation file.

Maybe we can create a github actions to check/update it?

That would be a cool feature! Is this something you want to work on?

That would be a cool feature! Is this something you want to work on?

It would be better to let experienced developers do it.

I haven't been exposed to git hook and github actions.
Although I can try to do while learning it.
But I am afraid that I will introduce some strange bugs.😂

If you are interested in learning it then this could be a great way to start!