
Different results on vscode and visual studio

graghavan007 opened this issue · 3 comments

I wrote the following code :

class MyClass {    
    int myNum = 11; 
    std::string myString="hello"; 

Instantiated the class as: MyClass c = MyClass();
Here is my Natvis file:

	<Type Name="MyClass">
				<Variable Name="ind" InitialValue="-1" />
						<Break Condition="ind == 5" />
						<Exec>ind += 1</Exec>

When I run this on Visual Studio/Windows I get:
a list of items [0]-[5] with values of 0-5 as expected

When I run this on VSCode/Linux/gdb, I get nothing. Only the Raw View.
We are not using the debugger to get any values from the program, so I would have expected the same output in both cases ?
What is the difference ?
Thanks much

Originally posted by @graghavan007 in #1094 (comment)

When I run this on Visual Studio/Windows I get:

What kind of project do you have here? The default Windows C++ project uses a different natvis reader than MIEngine.
I believe MIEngine does not support Loop.

To use MIEngine in Visual Studio, you will need to create a project for WSL or use SSH for a Linux Project.

Ok. I was confused because in item #1094, you had mentioned:

The VS Code MIEngine and Visual Studio MIEngine are the same and use the same natvis reader.

and i missed the subtlety that windows c+= uses a different natvis reader not MIEngine.
I am using VS Code on Linux so the two options don't apply to me.
Thanks for your help.

Ah sorry, I should have emphasized Visual Studio MIEngine.

MIEngine is used for the "Linux" scenarios for Visual Studio. This includes using MinGW/Cygwin on Windows, but not projects built for VC++ that use vcxprojs.