
break-insert for lldb-mi no longer requires 'on'

puremourning opened this issue · 15 comments

In this line, we have a comment that break-insert requires on for lldb-mi:

// break-insert -f requires 'on' in lldb scenario

This is no longer true (presumably, it has been fixed upstream in lldb-mi): (maybe this change: lldb-tools/lldb-mi@e448e35#diff-16ecaed41b16ef0b1fd18b3f74b1a2f2).

I think fixing this will allow us to fix debugging on macOS using vscode-cpptools: microsoft/vscode-cpptools#3829

Taking the latest version of lldb-mi from GitHub, and building it:

  • Including -break-insert -f on main does not work:
lldbmitest) BenMBP:attach ben$ ../../build/src/lldb-mi
-file-exec-and-symbols ../testdata/simple/simple
-break-insert -f on main

As you can see, the breakpoint is pending and has no file/line info.

  • Including -break-insert -f main works:
(lldbmitest) BenMBP:attach ben$ ../../build/src/lldb-mi
-file-exec-and-symbols ../testdata/simple/simple
-break-insert -f main

as you can see, this works and resolves the breakpoint, and we can see that the breakpoint is actually triggered, hence this lldb-mi could be used with MIEngine (via vscode-cpptools) to fix the macOS breakpoints-not-triggering issue (referenced above):


<snip uninteresting stuff>


I would send a PR to remove this lldb-mi workaround, but I can't actually build this project as I don't have Windows.

@puremourning Thank you for looking into this!

Would you be willing to try out a patched MIEngine with your lldb-mi? The difference is that 870 to 874 have been removed. I am currently kicking off a release build of that branch.

Sure thing! If you drop me a link to the build artefacts (presumably I can get them from azure?) I'll drop them in an re-test.

I actually bought a copy of windows, installed it in a VM and built MIEngine myself. Setting miDebuggerPath to point at a newly build lldb-mi and copying the built binaries to the Mac and firing up vimspector...

Screenshot 2019-12-31 at 16 54 51

Success! Breakpoint hit!

there's a secondary problem that extrenalConsole no longer works properly. But I think that just needs an environment variable set. I'll look into that.

here's the current diff:

--- a/src/MICore/CommandFactories/lldb.cs
+++ b/src/MICore/CommandFactories/lldb.cs
@@ -46,29 +46,6 @@ namespace MICore

-        protected override StringBuilder BuildBreakInsert(string condition, bool enabled)
-        {
-            // LLDB's use of the pending flag requires an optional parameter or else it fails.
-            // We will use "on" for now.
-            // TODO: Fix this on LLDB-MI's side
-            string pendingFlag = "-f on ";
-            StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder("-break-insert ");
-            cmd.Append(pendingFlag);
-            if (condition != null)
-            {
-                cmd.Append("-c \"");
-                cmd.Append(condition);
-                cmd.Append("\" ");
-            }
-            if (!enabled)
-            {
-                cmd.Append("-d ");
-            }
-            return cmd;
-        }
         public override async Task<Results> VarCreate(string expression, int threadId, uint frameLevel, enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, ResultClass resultClass = ResultClass.done)
             string quoteEscapedExpression = EscapeQuotes(expression);
diff --git a/src/MIDebugEngine/Engine.Impl/DebuggedProcess.cs b/src/MIDebugEngine/Engine.Impl/DebuggedProcess.cs
index a3747cb..d46e510 100755
--- a/src/MIDebugEngine/Engine.Impl/DebuggedProcess.cs
+++ b/src/MIDebugEngine/Engine.Impl/DebuggedProcess.cs
@@ -866,13 +866,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.MIDebugEngine
         private string GetBreakInsertMainCommand()
             // Allow main breakpoint to be pending.
-            string breakInsertMainFormat = "-break-insert -f{0} main";
-            if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Lldb)
-            {
-                // break-insert -f requires 'on' in lldb scenario
-                return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, breakInsertMainFormat, " on");
-            }
-            return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, breakInsertMainFormat, string.Empty);
+            return "-break-insert -f main";

         private void CheckCygwin(List<LaunchCommand> commands, LocalLaunchOptions localLaunchOptions)

It may take a while before we can ship a Microsoft Signed LLDB-MI. But if users are willing to build and use their own as a workaround, we can take this change and ship a new MIEngine.

However, we will need to have both -break-insert since we may still have users using the current lldb-mi that is shipped on older versions of MacOS. So if we want this change, MIEngine should send -break-insert -f on main and if that fails, we can send -break-insert -f main

The challenge is detecting "failure". When we send break-insert -f on main in the fixed lldb, that's actually just trying to create a breakpoint at the function on, which might exist.

p-i- commented

This is absolutely wonderful that after a whole year of this issue festering, you two wizards are finally peeling it open.

Why not detect the version of LLDB-mi at the -break-insert -f main callsite?

  • If version(LLDB-mi-being-used) <= version(current-LLDB-mi-release) use -break-insert -f on main
  • Else use -break-insert -f main

I apologise if this is an ignorant suggestion.

@p-i- Thank you for your suggestion!

Looks like version in the latest lldb-mi returns a correctly formattted MI response while in the 3.5 version it does not.

LLDB-MI 3.5:


latest LLDB-MI:

~"lldb version 8.0.1\n"

On the face of it, I guess we can work with that. If the version response is garbage, assume it’s old lldb-mi and send the ‘compatible’ break-insert request. Then again it’s actually the lldb-mi version not the lldb version that we care about. At least since the split.

Actually, checking the version may not be needed.

I think attempting -break-insert -f main first and then sending -break-insert -f on main if it fails works.

On lldb-mi 3.5, you get an Unrecognized command for -break-insert -f main.

there's a secondary problem that extrenalConsole no longer works properly. But I think that just needs an environment variable set. I'll look into that.

I think the issue is this:

commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set new-console on", ignoreFailures: true));

MIEngine sends -gdb-set new-console on and currently lldb-mi does not handle that command. We have a change I will push upstream.

I'll edit this comment with the diff's needed.

Yeah I noticed that. It’s simple enough to add that settting, but the Gdb docs say that new-console is only supported on windows And the tty command is supposed to be used elsewhere. Though that’s unsatisfactory too.

You can Actually just set LLDB_LAUNCH_FLAG_LAUNCH_IN_TTY environment car instead which works. maybe MIEngine should just set it when ExternalConsole is true.

@WardenGnaw I tried testing your fixLLDB branch, it doesn't work - it just hangs. I think this is because it sends the command too early, or it never reads the command result ? Not sure.

Here's the output:

1: (124) LaunchOptions<LocalLaunchOptions xmlns=''
1: (146) LaunchOptions  ExePath='/Users/ben/Development/vim/src/vim'
1: (147) LaunchOptions  WorkingDirectory='/Users/ben/Development/vim'
1: (147) LaunchOptions  ExeArguments='-Nu NONE'
1: (147) LaunchOptions  MIMode='lldb'
1: (147) LaunchOptions  MIDebuggerPath='/Users/ben/Development/llvm-project/lldb-mi/build/src/lldb-mi'
1: (147) LaunchOptions  WaitDynamicLibLoad='false'
1: (147) LaunchOptions  ExternalConsole='true'
1: (147) LaunchOptions>
1: (147) LaunchOptions    <Environment>
1: (147) LaunchOptions        <EnvironmentEntry Name='VIMRUNTIME' Value='/Users/ben/Development/vim/runtime' />
1: (147) LaunchOptions    </Environment>
1: (147) LaunchOptions</LocalLaunchOptions>
1: (233) Starting: "/Users/ben/Development/llvm-project/lldb-mi/build/src/lldb-mi" --interpreter=mi
1: (255) DebuggerPid=98248
1: (758) ->(gdb)
1: (772) <-1001-break-insert -f main
1: (773) ->1001^done,bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="keep",enabled="y",addr="0xffffffffffffffff",func="??",file="??",fullname="??/??",line="0",pending=["main"],times="0",original-location="main"}
1: (774) ->(gdb)
... no further....

Looks to me like it's never returning from RequiresOnKeywordForBreakInsert()
Here's my quick implementation of the new-console command for the record:

commit d48fc781fabff4bc1b60256673c6ed072814b78c (HEAD -> master, pm/master)
Author: Ben Jackson <>
Date:   Sat Jan 4 14:37:46 2020 +0000

    Support new-console GDB command.

    This is a simple way to make applications launch in a new Terminal on
    macOS. There's actually a LLDB launch flag lldb:eLaunchFlagLaunchInTTY,
    but it wasn't obvious to me how/where to store launcg options in
    lldb-mi, so setting the environment variable works just as well.

diff --git a/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.cpp b/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.cpp
index 162e3d5..9330a91 100644
--- a/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.cpp
+++ b/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "MICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo.h"
 #include "MICmnMIResultRecord.h"
 #include "MICmnMIValueConst.h"
+#include <cstdlib>

 // Instantiations:
 const CMICmdCmdGdbSet::MapGdbOptionNameToFnGdbOptionPtr_t
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ const CMICmdCmdGdbSet::MapGdbOptionNameToFnGdbOptionPtr_t
         {"solib-search-path", &CMICmdCmdGdbSet::OptionFnSolibSearchPath},
         {"disassembly-flavor", &CMICmdCmdGdbSet::OptionFnDisassemblyFlavor},
         {"fallback", &CMICmdCmdGdbSet::OptionFnFallback},
+        {"new-console", &CMICmdCmdGdbSet::OptionFnNewConsole},
         {"breakpoint", &CMICmdCmdGdbSet::OptionFnBreakpoint}};

@@ -208,6 +210,41 @@ bool CMICmdCmdGdbSet::GetOptionFn(const CMIUtilString &vrPrintFnName,
   return false;

+bool CMICmdCmdGdbSet::OptionFnNewConsole(
+  const CMIUtilString::VecString_t &vrWords) {
+  bool bNewConsole = false;
+  bool bOk = true;
+  if (vrWords.size() > 1)
+    // Too many arguments.
+    bOk = false;
+  else if (vrWords.size() == 0)
+    // If no arguments, default is "on".
+    bNewConsole = true;
+  else if (CMIUtilString::Compare(vrWords[0], "on"))
+    bNewConsole = true;
+  else if (CMIUtilString::Compare(vrWords[0], "off"))
+    bNewConsole = false;
+  else
+    // Unrecognized argument.
+    bOk = false;
+  if (!bOk) {
+    // Report error.
+    m_bGbbOptionFnHasError = true;
+    return MIstatus::failure;
+  }
+  // TDDO: Like, set the environment variable ?
+  // Should we maybe set the launch flag too ?
+  if (bNewConsole) {
+    ::setenv( "LLDB_LAUNCH_FLAG_LAUNCH_IN_TTY", "TRUE", false );
+  }
+  return MIstatus::success;
 // Details: Carry out work to complete the GDB set option 'target-async' to
 // prepare
diff --git a/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.h b/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.h
index c88f997..38f35ae 100644
--- a/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.h
+++ b/src/MICmdCmdGdbSet.h
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ private:
   bool OptionFnDisassemblyFlavor(const CMIUtilString::VecString_t &vrWords);
   bool OptionFnBreakpoint(const CMIUtilString::VecString_t &vrWords);
   bool OptionFnFallback(const CMIUtilString::VecString_t &vrWords);
+  bool OptionFnNewConsole(const CMIUtilString::VecString_t &vrWords);

   // Attributes:
diff --git a/src/MICmnResources.cpp b/src/MICmnResources.cpp
index 998c79a..6fe2eaf 100644
--- a/src/MICmnResources.cpp
+++ b/src/MICmnResources.cpp
@@ -439,6 +439,8 @@ const CMICmnResources::SRsrcTextData
         {IDS_CMD_ERR_INFO_PRINTFN_FAILED, "The request '%s' failed."},
          "'target-async' expects \"on\" or \"off\""},
+         "'new-console' expects \"on\" or \"off\""},
          "'breakpoint' expects \"pending on\" or \"pending off\""},
diff --git a/src/MICmnResources.h b/src/MICmnResources.h
index 111b0c3..195784b 100644
--- a/src/MICmnResources.h
+++ b/src/MICmnResources.h
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ enum {
  • it just hangs

Fixed it?


Woo \o/. with the above PR (#950) and the latest lldb-mi including the new-console patch vimspector regression tests finally pass on macOS Catalina!

BenMBP:vimspector ben$ ./run_tests
Testing with VIMSPECTOR_MIMODE=lldb
%SETUP - Building test programs...
~/.vim/bundle/vimspector/tests/testdata/cpp/simple ~/.vim/bundle/vimspector
rm -f simple variables
rm -rf simple.dSYM variables.dSYM
c++ -g -O0 -std=c++17    simple.cpp   -o simple
%DONE - built test programs
Running Vimspector Vim tests

%RUN: breakpoints.test.vim
%PASS: breakpoints.test.vim PASSED

%RUN: language_go.test.vim
%PASS: language_go.test.vim PASSED

%RUN: language_python.test.vim
%PASS: language_python.test.vim PASSED

%RUN: tabpage.test.vim
%PASS: tabpage.test.vim PASSED

All done.

Now, to fix vscode-python which doesn't work with node 13.

This was fixed by #952