
BoundingBox Ghost Collider

ideplo opened this issue · 0 comments

I need to instantiate a game object and then move its position. Before the move I add the BoundingBoxTarget script. Once the object stopped moving the AppBar appears. After Im done with the object, I would click the Remove button on the AppBar and this is when the Ghost Collider appears. Visually the object is destroyed but whats left in the Hierchy is what appears to be a Ghost Collider. This Collider takes up quite a bit of space and prevents focusing on other game objects in the sceene.

The only way I was able to work around this was, before I start moving the object I set the AppBar instance to false ( ManipulationManager.Instance.ActiveAppBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); ) then after the object is in its target location I turn it back on and the ghost Collider goes away.