
Failure to load NuGet SDKs in dotnet format

rainersigwald opened this issue · 5 comments

@rainersigwald Rainer Sigwald FTE if you run the command below

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format --version 4.0.121404 --add-source

and then run this command over this repo:

dotnet-format -w tye.sln -v diag

you should get a bin log. Would be very curious to get a second opinion on what is happening here

from dotnet/format#584 (comment)

I reproduce with these instructions but haven't dug in.

@sharwell Found that the NuGetSdkResolver wouldn't load unless we added a local dependency on Newtonsoft.Json. I'm not yet sure why the AssemblyLoader that we use couldn't resolve it from the SDK folder as it does other MSBuild dependencies.