Can not create win32 app in windows 11
elliniomb opened this issue · 4 comments
I can run the application, provide a directory, and run the application; however, when I try to create an app, the bar at the bottom drops to 75% and the application closes.
I test it with windows 10 and working but in my windows 11 doesn't, I'm using windows 11 ,22H@ enterprise
If you go to Settings > Privacy & security > For developers, what is listed as your Terminal?
For me, changing this from Windows Terminal to Windows Console Host fixed the issue.
works for me in windows 11 make sure your -c source folder is empty and that you dont have any long file paths, for example my documents folder is on a roaming profile and i cant use it from there or as my output folder. make sure you run it cmd as admin and make sure the source folder and output folder are empty, Sometimes when it doesnt work for me one trick i do is to make a completely new output folder in the command so example being i originally try doing this command IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -h C:\Users\rossi.carson\Downloads -s testnav.msi -o D:\Intune and it doesnt work ill do this command and hit Y to make a new folder IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -h C:\Users\rossi.carson\Downloads -s testnav.msi -o D:\Intune2 and it will work for some reason
I faced this issue. I resolved it by running Terminal/The app with admin privileges