
AADConditionalAccessPolicy: BuiltInControls with value "passwordChange" failed with BadRequest error

gbs916 opened this issue · 1 comments

Description of the issue

I want to create a policy which requests a password change when the userRisk is high.
As soon I set the BuiltInControls to passwordChange, the deployement failed. If I put "mfa" instead of passwordChange it works and the policy is created.
BuiltInControls = @("passwordChange"); => failed
BuiltInControls = @("mfa"); => works
The value passwordChange is provided by ma configuration export ran with Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components @("AADConditionalAccessPolicy")

Microsoft 365 DSC Version


Which workloads are affected

Azure Active Directory (Entra ID)

The DSC configuration

AADConditionalAccessPolicy "AADConditionalAccessPolicy-Require MFA and password change for high risk users"
            AuthenticationContexts               = @();
            AuthenticationStrength               = "Multifactor authentication";
            BuiltInControls                      = @("passwordChange");
            ClientAppTypes                       = @("all");
            CloudAppSecurityType                 = "";
            Credential                           = $Credscredential;
            CustomAuthenticationFactors          = @();
            DeviceFilterRule                     = "";
            DisplayName                          = "Require MFA and password change for high risk users";
            Ensure                               = "Present";
            ExcludeApplications                  = @();
            ExcludeExternalTenantsMembers        = @();
            ExcludeExternalTenantsMembershipKind = "all";
            ExcludeGroups                        = @("GPAZ-AzureAD-MFA-Bypass");
            ExcludeGuestOrExternalUserTypes      = @("b2bCollaborationGuest");
            ExcludeLocations                     = @();
            ExcludePlatforms                     = @();
            ExcludeRoles                         = @();
            ExcludeUsers                         = @();
            GrantControlOperator                 = "AND";
            Id                                   = "";
            IncludeApplications                  = @("All");
            IncludeExternalTenantsMembers        = @();
            IncludeExternalTenantsMembershipKind = "";
            IncludeGroups                        = @();
            IncludeLocations                     = @();
            IncludePlatforms                     = @();
            IncludeRoles                         = @();
            IncludeUserActions                   = @();
            IncludeUsers                         = @("All");
            PersistentBrowserMode                = "";
            SignInFrequencyInterval              = "everyTime";
            SignInFrequencyIsEnabled             = $True;
            SignInFrequencyType                  = "";
            SignInRiskLevels                     = @();
            State                                = "enabled";
            UserRiskLevels                       = @("high");

Verbose logs showing the problem

##[error][BadRequest] : The server could not process the request because it is malformed or incorrect.
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: ({ ConditionalAc...lAccessPolicy }:) [], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadRequest,Microsoft.Graph.Beta.PowerShell.Cmdlets.UpdateMgBetaIdentityConditionalAccess 
    + PSComputerName        : localhost
VERBOSE: [fv-az623-346]:                            
nfiguration] Set-Targetresource: Finished processing Policy 
VERBOSE: [fv-az623-346]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]  
nfiguration]  in 1.4090 seconds.
##[error]The PowerShell DSC resource '[AADConditionalAccessPolicy]CAP002-Global-AllApps-UserRiskHigh-MFAAndPasswordChange-FreqEv
eryTime::[EntraID]EntraID_Configuration' with SourceInfo 
'D:\a\1\s\M365Config\0.0.1\DSCResources\EntraID\EntraID.schema.psm1::45::17::AADConditionalAccessPolicy' threw one or 
more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW 
channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NonTerminatingErrorFromProvider
    + PSComputerName        : localhost
VERBOSE: [fv-az623-346]: LCM:  [ Start  Resource ]  

Environment Information + PowerShell Version

No response
