
Hard coded values on Teams resources

YenNantes opened this issue · 0 comments

Description of the issue

For the TeamsClientConfiguration, the value for some properties seem to be hardcoded (at least "AllowEgnyte", "AllowShareFile" and "AllowScopedPeopleSearchandAccess"). The resource does not return the right value for those properties.

Same for the resource TeamsFederationConfiguration with properties "AllowTeamsConsumerInbound" and "AllowFederatedUsers".

Same for the resource TeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration with properties "AllowUserDeleteChat", "AllowUserEditMessage", "AllowUserDeleteMessage", "AllowUrlPreviews", "AllowUserTranslation"

There are probably more properties affected as I only see the issue for the ones where we have a different value than the default one.

Microsoft 365 DSC Version


Which workloads are affected


The DSC configuration

Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components TeamsClientConfiguration

Verbose logs showing the problem

Result of the get-CsTeamsClientConfiguration cmdlet:
Identity                         : Global
AllowEmailIntoChannel            : True
RestrictedSenderList             : xxxxxxxxxx
AllowDropBox                     : False
AllowBox                         : False
AllowGoogleDrive                 : False
AllowShareFile                   : False
AllowEgnyte                      : False
AllowOrganizationTab             : True
AllowSkypeBusinessInterop        : True
ContentPin                       : RequiredOutsideScheduleMeeting
AllowResourceAccountSendMessage  : True
ResourceAccountContentAccess     : NoAccess
AllowGuestUser                   : True
AllowScopedPeopleSearchandAccess : False
AllowRoleBasedChatPermissions    : False

Resource returned:
      TeamsClientConfiguration "TeamsClientConfiguration-Global"
            AllowBox                         = $False;
            AllowDropBox                     = $False;
            AllowEgnyte                      = $True;
            AllowEmailIntoChannel            = $True;
            AllowGoogleDrive                 = $False;
            AllowGuestUser                   = $True;
            AllowOrganizationTab             = $True;
            AllowResourceAccountSendMessage  = $True;
            AllowScopedPeopleSearchandAccess = $True;
            AllowShareFile                   = $True;
            AllowSkypeBusinessInterop        = $True;
            ContentPin                       = "RequiredOutsideScheduleMeeting";
            Credential                       = $Credscredential;
            Identity                         = "Global";
            ResourceAccountContentAccess     = "NoAccess";

Result of get-CsTenantFederationConfiguration:
Identity : Global
AllowedDomains : AllowAllKnownDomains
BlockedDomains : {}
AllowFederatedUsers : False
AllowPublicUsers : False
AllowTeamsConsumer : False
AllowTeamsConsumerInbound : False
TreatDiscoveredPartnersAsUnverified : False
SharedSipAddressSpace : False
RestrictTeamsConsumerToExternalUserProfiles : False
BlockAllSubdomains : False

Resource returned:
TeamsFederationConfiguration "TeamsFederationConfiguration-Global"
AllowedDomains = xxxxxxx
AllowFederatedUsers = $True;
AllowPublicUsers = $False;
AllowTeamsConsumer = $False;
AllowTeamsConsumerInbound = $True;
BlockedDomains = @();
Credential = $Credscredential;
Identity = "Global";
RestrictTeamsConsumerToExternalUserProfiles = $False;
SharedSipAddressSpace = $False;
TreatDiscoveredPartnersAsUnverified = $False;

Result of get-CsTeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration
Identity : Global
AllowUserEditMessage : False
AllowUserDeleteMessage : False
AllowUserDeleteChat : False
AllowUserChat : True
AllowGiphy : True
GiphyRatingType : Moderate
AllowMemes : True
AllowImmersiveReader : True
AllowStickers : True

Resource returned:
TeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration "TeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration-Global"
AllowGiphy = $True;
AllowImmersiveReader = $True;
AllowMemes = $True;
AllowStickers = $True;
AllowUserChat = $True;
AllowUserDeleteChat = $True;
AllowUserDeleteMessage = $True;
AllowUserEditMessage = $True;
Credential = $Credscredential;
GiphyRatingType = "Moderate";
Identity = "Global";

Environment Information + PowerShell Version

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