
The extension contains or enables malware/PUA.

Opened this issue · 5 comments


插件审核被拒绝 , 只是做了一些bug修复, 一直因为这个提示
The extension contains or enables malware/PUA.
被拒绝, 为什么, 然后联系不到审核人员, 在支持社区也发了消息 也没人回复 没人解决, 这个应该怎么去解决

Hi @zrl2088,

Can you please provide more details regarding your extension? like the Seller ID, extension name, etc.

I have the same confusion. This is my extension. Can you help me to see what malicious software there is?

  • Microsoft Store ID: 0RDCKH2RC045
  • Microsoft Store ID: 0RDCKGVNFPVR

@bhuvanapriyap Excuse me, please help me.

I have the same confusion. This is my extension. Can you help me to see what malicious software there is?

  • Microsoft Store ID: 0RDCKH2RC045
  • Microsoft Store ID: 0RDCKGVNFPVR

Hi @Xdy1579883916 ,

Thank you for writing to us.

We are looking into this and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Hi @Xdy1579883916 ,

Thank you for writing to us.

We are looking into this and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you, I will keep an eye on this progress to help you troubleshoot and solve the problem.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any help. I can provide a compressed extension or related source code to assist in troubleshooting.