App crashes when trying to connect
VRDongen opened this issue · 3 comments
I have been trying to make something similiar to the HL2Collab example for a while now.
However, everytime when I try to connect the Hololens to the server it just crashes.
Even when making my application exactly like HL2Collab example it won't connect.
Running the server on the desktop and connecting the Hololens results in getting a black screen for approximately 10seconds before the app shuts down.
Since what update has joining a server been possible? (Hololens 2 Windows update)
I have been trying to update Windows but it keeps stuck on preparing the update.
Hopefully you can shed some light on what is happening here.
I have updated the Hololens to the latest version available. Still, when trying to connect to a server the app just hangs and shuts down after a couple of seconds.
Which version of Unreal is this? Can you share the crash log?
I am using UE4.26, the Hololens currently runs on version 21H1. It does not seem to generate crash data even though I checked the box to collect it.
Does connecting to a server require OpenXR to be enabled or can it be used natively?
Currently I am trying to do this while also using MRTK which is not compatible with OpenXR so this has been disabled.
When trying to run your sample project the Hololens does not seem to recognize the gestures so that is why I copied it and modified it to work with MRTK.