Add suggestion to enable XML documentation file for all configurations
JeffreyCA opened this issue · 3 comments
JeffreyCA commented
I mistakenly enabled it only for the Debug configuration so when the Azure Pipelines task ran it could not find the .xml file since it built the Release configuration.
Shwetap05 commented
@JeffreyCA Setting the output xml file is done at the csproj level, so this is not something that can be done with DevOps task. And do this you should right click your csproj --> Build --> Set Configuration to Release --> Check Xml Documentation Path under Output.
JeffreyCA commented
Yes that is what I ended up doing. I just wanted to suggest adding this tip as part of the README.
EricAtMSFT commented
Hey Jeffrey,
Glad you got it working.
In the Readme under mechanics there's a specific screenshot instructing folks to check the "XML Documentation" checkbox.