
Add Validation Based on API Manifest Spec

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Validation should be based on the following rules:

Validation Rules

; Information about an application that consumes HTTP APIs.
apiManifest = {
    applicationName: tstr
    ? publisher: publisher
    apiDependencies : {* tstr => apiDependency}
    extensibility # what's an appropriate property name and type? extensibility vs extensions?

; Identification of the application developer / organization
publisher = {
    name: tstr
    contactEmail: tstr

;  Declaration of application dependencies on HTTP API
apiDependency = {
    ? apiDescriptionUrl: tstr
    ? apiDescriptionVersion: tstr
    ? apiDeploymentBaseUrl: tstr # Missing in [section 2.3]( Should be added to the spec.
    authorizationRequirements: authorizationRequirements # Needs requirement level in [section 2.3]( Should we assume optional?
    requests: [+ requestInfo] # Needs requirement level in [section 2.3]( Should we assume optional?
    extensibility # what's an appropriate property name and type? extensibility vs extensions?

; Permissions required by client application for the described dependency
authorizationRequirements = {
    ? clientIdentifier: tstr # Name does not match [section 2.4](
    ? access: [+accessRequest] | [+tstr]

extensibility = (
    ? extensions => {* tstr => any }
accessRequest = {
    type : tstr ;
    * tstr => any;

; Details of a resource request
requestInfo = {
    method: tstr # Requirement level is not specified in [section 2.5. Request Info Object](
    uriTemplate: tstr # Requirement level is not specified in [section 2.5. Request Info Object](
    ? dataClassification: [* tstr]

Tasks (list will be updated and sub-issues created after the discussion at #7)
