
Host Provider IP Address released, unable to get provider IP address from VMM

ameerxp opened this issue · 1 comments

I am facing strange problem, SDN platform was working fine without any issues, recently Tenant VMs lost its private IP address in addition host servers lost its provider IP address, I can see IP address assignment on VMM on VM NIC, also i can see providerIP address mapping which list old provider IPs previously assigned to host servers, but for some reason neither VMs or host servers can get its IPs from VMM again.

The last change performed on platform is renewing NC certificate from self signed certificate to certificate generated by internal CA.

communication between VMM and NC is working i can change settings on NC service without a problem, also host have connection established with NC Endpoint.

The problem seems related to DHCP, appreciate if someone can help me in this case.


The problem solved, it was related to the new NC certificate was imported with -ProvisionSelfSignedCertificatesforNetworkService $true, which caused certificate to be installed into host servers certificate trusted root OU, causing secure channel connection between host and NC nodes to fail, modifying import command to $false, and removing existing sdn certificate from hyper-v certificate trusted OU solved the problem.