
PowerBI Web : The visual does not export in a PDF

AlexBillon07 opened this issue · 4 comments


I have a PowerBI report with a SandDance visual. When I export my report as a PDF, the visual is not visible. I only have a black image.


Should I change something ?



Thanks for reporting! This appears to have something to do with WebGL rendering 🤔

Thanks for reporting! This appears to have something to do with WebGL rendering 🤔

Something I can do on my side ? In the browser ? In the system ?

Hello, we're looking into this to determine the cause. In the meanwhile, do you have a workaround? Also I'm interested to know your scenario how you'd like this to appear in your PDF.

Hello Dan,
Exporting in PDF from PowerBI Desktop works. I can see an image of the visual in the exported PDF.

I have this visual in my report.

Exporting in PDF the report with PowerBI Desktop gives me a slide with an image of the visual.
Exporting in PDF the same report in PowerBI Web gives me the black rectangle I uploaded in my first post.

You may need additional info, but I am not sure what I could give you that would be relevant for you.

Best Regards,
